google image - I think this bookstore is what most readers wish we still had. Isn't it wonderful when you go into a bookstore where the workers have read books?
Many people plan and work all their lives to leave behind a heritage to their children. I feel this is an admirable goal. A passed-down heritage seems to give us roots, no matter where God may plant us.
Unless God brings about a miracle, we will not be leaving behind a financial heritage to our children, but my heart's cry is that the heritage we pass down has spiritual roots with heaven as the prize.
I do, however, have a
material heritage I would love to hand over to our future generations. As you all contributed to the list of books that you have enjoyed and enriched your lives, I let my dream expand.
Throughout the years of home schooling, I have fallen in love with wonderful children's books. My kids would tell people that I bought a book a day...not true, but in their eyes the bookshelves were filling up fast. As I learned books could go out-of-print, I would make sure we had copies of our favorites. I still pull many of those favorites out as decorations for my coffee table during the year. In many of the books, I have printed the date bought and who the book was read to....this is how I plan to remember it when I cuddle up to read the book to a grandchild and say, "yes, your 'mommy or daddy' read this when they were.......... old."
As we moved to different homes, my older sons laughed while hauling all the book boxes. Mockingly, they said their children won't be reading printed books, only electronic books. They also laughed that the only place their kids would see printed books would be at my house....well, that is just fine with me. Time will tell. I am not letting go of my books.
Also lining my bookshelves are spiritual growth books. My children haven't come home yet to borrow them, but time brings many life experiences and I hope one day they will glean from the wealth held in the books that I continue to pack and carry to our new homes. Most books are
highlighted and tagged, with even some of their names in the margins or covers because I was thinking of them when I read a passage in a book. Many just show the different seasons of life and my spiritual growth as a wife, mother and daughter of the King of Kings. The covers may look dated, but the truths within the pages are timeless ones.
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Here is my dream library for all those who want to sneak away from the world and get caught up in the world of books. I can just imagine snuggling up on the little couch to read to a grandchild...or by myself.
Thanks so much for joining me on my post, "
Exercising My Brain". Many of you have enjoyed some of the same jewels I have enjoyed and others added new ones to my list of "want to read". You might enjoy going back and reading through the list given.
Maybe one day my dream library will become reality....when it does, I will invite you to come to curl up and enjoy a book. Even if I don't have the room I will still have the books...a
material heritage for our future generations.
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot