google image - I think this bookstore is what most readers wish we still had. Isn't it wonderful when you go into a bookstore where the workers have read books?
Many people plan and work all their lives to leave behind a heritage to their children. I feel this is an admirable goal. A passed-down heritage seems to give us roots, no matter where God may plant us.
Unless God brings about a miracle, we will not be leaving behind a financial heritage to our children, but my heart's cry is that the heritage we pass down has spiritual roots with heaven as the prize.
I do, however, have a material heritage I would love to hand over to our future generations. As you all contributed to the list of books that you have enjoyed and enriched your lives, I let my dream expand.
Throughout the years of home schooling, I have fallen in love with wonderful children's books. My kids would tell people that I bought a book a day...not true, but in their eyes the bookshelves were filling up fast. As I learned books could go out-of-print, I would make sure we had copies of our favorites. I still pull many of those favorites out as decorations for my coffee table during the year. In many of the books, I have printed the date bought and who the book was read to....this is how I plan to remember it when I cuddle up to read the book to a grandchild and say, "yes, your 'mommy or daddy' read this when they were.......... old."
As we moved to different homes, my older sons laughed while hauling all the book boxes. Mockingly, they said their children won't be reading printed books, only electronic books. They also laughed that the only place their kids would see printed books would be at my house....well, that is just fine with me. Time will tell. I am not letting go of my books.
Also lining my bookshelves are spiritual growth books. My children haven't come home yet to borrow them, but time brings many life experiences and I hope one day they will glean from the wealth held in the books that I continue to pack and carry to our new homes. Most books are highlighted and tagged, with even some of their names in the margins or covers because I was thinking of them when I read a passage in a book. Many just show the different seasons of life and my spiritual growth as a wife, mother and daughter of the King of Kings. The covers may look dated, but the truths within the pages are timeless ones.
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Thanks so much for joining me on my post, "Exercising My Brain". Many of you have enjoyed some of the same jewels I have enjoyed and others added new ones to my list of "want to read". You might enjoy going back and reading through the list given.
Maybe one day my dream library will become reality....when it does, I will invite you to come to curl up and enjoy a book. Even if I don't have the room I will still have the books...a material heritage for our future generations.
33 Joining in with more words:
Good morning! I loved this post! Books have always been one of my most treasured possessions too! (imagine that kindred spirit?) When we moved here though I finally got rid of quite a few of mine. Most I gave to Melody, and a few to others as well. My VERY favorites I kept. I LOVE your idea of marking the children's books and reading them to your grandkids....What a perfectly wonderful idea. I know they will love that. My grandkids sooo love to hear stories about their parents. "Tell me more about daddy grandma" is something I hear pretty frequently, haha...Have a wonderful day Janette. HUGS
"spiritual heritage with Heaven the prize"~ love this! I totally agree with you, cannot part with a one! And I too long to read to my grandchildren "The Smells of Christmas" a scratch & sniff book that I read to both of mine. I've been missing my visits, so doing catch-up with you today.
I am such a book lover too! However, most of mine are in boxes in the garage and I sold many of them since there's just no room. Thank goodness for my Kindle. But I have to admit. There's just something about holding a book in my hand that I love. I love your bookshelves and to see how full they are. Teaching children a love for books is a gift.
Love you,
Now I have to ask the Lord to forgive me for being covetous, because I want that library too!!! I have always wanted a cozy nook to be able to curl up and read, and a place just brimming with books. I haven't been able to do the e-reader thing yet. I just loooove my books, and love reading books to my kids. I most definitely plan to hold on to some of our treasures to read to my grandkids someday, Lord willing.
Wow I just went back and read all of the great suggestions. So many I didn't list and I am glad your other friends did. Such a good list. Enough there to last years and I liked them because you know there is more meat than milk. Reading through the list of titles that people loved was like remember old friends I have loved.
This was fun do it again soon.
Books and the love of reading is indeed a treasured legacy to leave your children! It still amazes me how simple words written on a page can transport you through time and space.
PS I love your dream library.:)
All you would have to do is walk
into my home to see that my husband
and I are avid readers and therefore
lovers of books! I have no idea how
many we have, upstairs and down. I
also love children's books and have
been known to sit in a bookstore
and read a whole book. This was
when Seth was younger and we were
home schooling. I love the picture
of the library and would enjoy so
much having one similar to that.
But your statement about leaving
a spiritual heritage--now that's
what I really what for my sons.
Nothing is more important than that.
Wonderful post.
Hugs & Blessings~
Balance in all things is my final thought on books. I can not keep all the books I wish to so I am constantly releasing "lesser" books in favor of better books. If I had a library like that one...oh my! My son used to tease me as well, but I notice that his sons' library is very extensive.
Your post makes me want to get a overstuffed chair and curl up with one of my prized books.
Great idea to put dates, and names in books. I think I'll start doing that.
My dear Janette, Loved this post because I love books. Wouldn't it be incredible to have a library like the one you showed. As we've gotten older and moved I've weeded some of mine out but still add more that I get at garage sales.
My hubby doesn't read so he could care less but the rest of the family loves my collection.
I don't think I told you but my daughters family just got a miniature Schnauzer puppy, so now I'm reading about how to train it not to bark. Any tips?
Have a great day. Blessings, Noreen
I love children's books too and I love that picture of a library even more :)
Have a great week!
I think we could DO that library!! You can do the red walls, and I can find some old beams at Canton, and we can just copy it!! :)
Seriously, hold onto that picture.. it might just happen. How hard could it be to stain wood and install it as a beam....??
I'm digressing... what I really loved was your whole idea of books and having a heritage for your children to read. I know, ours are the same, and so are the little ones, they love their tech stuff, but I think the day will come when the joy and comfort of a page turning book will be what they reach for. I sure hope so.
I loved your post today, and can picture the love love it!
What a beautiful, wonderful heritage for your children, especially the books that have been marked and underlined. I have a bible like this and one of our grandsons asked if he could have it, I can't tell you how much that meant to me. He feels a call to do missionary work, to think that this bible might be used or go with him to a missionary field blesses my heart so.
I love children's books too and have a few. Thank you for always encouraging us to be our best for Him,
Enjoy your day,
Books are one of my treasures too!
I have a collection of vintage books from my parents when they were kids. The personal inscriptions are so much fun to read--in very flowery script. Makes me wonder more about life n their long-ago-and-faraway formative years. Your beneficiaries will LOVE reading the personal notes inside all your books.
When I was unpacking after our move, it was such a pleasure to handle all of my books, and treasure each one as a beloved old friend. How crazy is that?
Someone said they enjoy reading old books because people who are long dead can still talk to them!
I can't live without real books. Ok, I could, but I don't want to. I also have a box of children's books set aside from when my kids were younger. I want to have a Grammy's book corner for my grandkids someday.
Oh, Janette - what a great post! So close to my heart because I WAS and to some degree, still AM the story lady reading the books aloud to children - telling stories - classic stories! Oh, my books - a basement library full of them - and then some on the main level in every room! Yes, my children laugh at me and all the books, too. And, I'm stashing them for the grandbaby. Especially the precious old editions and out of print copies. A heritage worthy of stewarding wisely.
Thanks for posting - had to pin the dram library photo - it's so me, too!!!
Oooh, you and I are kindred spirits! I cherish books, too, and can't stand to part with them. I love the feel and smell of books, and the margins full of notes and coffee spills and tears. Don't give me electronic books!
I want that library too! I've moved so much I have just a small group of 'must keeps' and most are out of print now. I do have a box of children's books from Logan's childhood that continue to make the rounds.
I can't imagine a world entirely void of books. Your dream library is just the one I dream of as well. Of course, you have great taste and we would do well to emulate you.
In today's economy I don't think there are as many parents leaving a financial legacy to their children. You are also right, about other kinds of legacies: spiritual, cultural and personal such your beautiful books. Great post, Janette.
Oh boy . . . don't even get me started on my favorites and the joys of sharing books as a family. We have shared a lot of great movies, too.
I,too, have a love with books. When I was a high school teacher, I had a reading corner to entice kids to read, as an elementary counselor, I've been saddened by parents who say they don't have time to read to their first grader. Our reading scores as a nation are dropping. What a legacy we give our children of curling up and entering the imaginative world of books. Thanks for writing this post!
When we moved from TN I gave away a ton of books. Our double car garage was lined, wall to wall, with stacks of children's books for the taking. They've all found a good home, but I have tried to kick my gluteus several times since. I'll just have to come to your future library and curl up with a good book (and maybe some milk and a cookie). :-)
Janette, I want to curl up in that library, too!! I have enough books to fill it! LOL! They are in stacks all throughout the house and in shelves bulging... love the book!
The spiritual heritage you pass on is the one that matters most...
blessings ~ tanna
Janette, I'm a bibliophile from a family of bibliophiles and my daughter carries the tradition forward.
You and I would have fun looking through each other's books.
Books are one of those things I have a hard time parting with. I, like you have an entire shelf of books that my children had when they were younger. Many of the books have the name of the child it belonged to, so yes when I am reading those very same books to my grandchildren I can say 'I used to read this to your daddy" or "this was your uncles favorite book" Let your kids say whatever they want...they'll come around :)
Excellent heirloom to pass on, Janette. There will be a day they'll come back for those gems you read to them as children.
I have a couple that were my husbands that all would like to have!
Yes, that could be my dream book nook too!
I love books! I have several bookshelves in my home, with books with varying subject matter. The one thing I NEVER throw away is a book, even if it's very old and outdated. Heck! I still have most of the books I used in college. I didn't sell them back to the bookstore because I could not part with them, ha, ha!
At any rate,I think leaving various books to your children is an excellent heirloom! With the way technology is headed these days, who knows, maybe all books will be on some electronic machine. Of course, not in your house, because you have passionately saved books all through the years.
I really liked this post Janette! It was great! :)
I love this! I have a similar library living in my heart. From a very young age, I became a book freak. I know this sounds stupid, but they almost have a heartbeat to me. I love your material heritage, and I hope to have the same one.
One of my "high hopes" is that one day I will hold a grandchild on my lap, open my favorite books, and begin the journey with them.
You need to have your dream library as a heritage. By the time your grandkids are grown, reading books will be a novelty. It kinda sad!
I meant to say, reading books in paper form will be a novelty!
That is one amazing library! Love it, and yes, my children will have REAL books to enjoy.
Hello Janette - just popped by to thank you for your sweet remarks about my big ole kid and KFC! My kids don't know what Kentucky Fried Chicken is either!
I have saved most of my children's books over the year. I used to read to my kids all the time and my husband fussed and complained about the boxes of kid books he had to move to the farm recently. But I just can't let go of them. I especially loved buying nice books with beautiful illustrations - classics like The Velveteen Rabbit and Bible story books, etc. I'm looking forward to reading them to my grandkids someday, too! If I ever have any!
Ohhh I can sooooooooooo relate! I like how you took the extra step and wrote their names where you thought of them or who you wanted the book to go to. I love that! Yes, I pray that my kids and grand kids will come and check books out of "my" library. [o=
And yes I do hope you get your dream library. Ohhh btw it looks so much like the one I dreamed of. [o= But I like that yours is red! I changed my dream library to red now. [o;
Blessings and ((HUGS))
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