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I saw her coming up the street, hair blowing in the wind from the convertible, make-up all in place (since she used to be a make-up artist for the stars, she makes sure she looks like one) and a smile on her sun-glassed face. I walked over to assist her from the passenger's seat. She handed me her hot pink cane and I helped her from the car. I turned to pull out her purse and started to laugh. She was carrying a canvas bag lined in polka-dotted material and trimmed in
hot pink boa feathers. I told her how much fun her carrying bag was and she explained, "well this cocky-young-good-looking male has to carry my bag for me from one therapy treatment to another and I thought it would be funny for him to have to carry this!" I just burst into laughter imagining my own 20-plus year-old, muscle-bound, young sons having to carry this purse.
I expressed, "I love it!" She said, "well you might not if you read the other side of the bag."
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Now don't you just love her?
I flashed back to my friend who embraced me when we moved to our new city 13 years ago. The Lord had provided me with a kindred spirit within weeks of our move. So it was not unusual for me to ask to come to my new friend's house to help her pack for her upcoming adventure of a new home purchase. As I set on the couch she said, "well, while I am doing this, could you....fold the clothes?" I was delighted to serve her in that way as we continued to get to know each other while chatting. As I went through the clothes basket, I came to an item that so many of us moms neglect.....can you guess?
Yes, hers resembled so many of us mom's panties (or should I say underwear... panties sound pretty)....they had stretched-out elastic, faded with hoses and were far from sexy! I turned with loud laughter and said, "okay, if we are going to be friends and you are now getting this big house, don't you think it is time for new PANTIES?"
Our friendship was forever cemented together as we both laughed over a garment of clothing that most people don't see and so easily neglect. Through the next 12 years she would turn to me over and over again and say,
"Pull up your Big Girl Panties and Deal with IT!"
Fast Forward to today. That friend and I have both had some major life changes. She just recently dissolved her marriage after 20-plus years, leaving her a single mom to continue to raise two children. We both got together recently to just love on each other and remind each other that we have been with each other for years...even though visits are rare these days.
While continuing our babbling, we strolled through a store where she turned to me in a teenage girl squeal....."
LOOK!". It was a sign for her new life adventure bedroom!
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I now have a lot of friends who have pulled up their big girl panties and dealt with the blows of life. I am sure many of you have done the same. My neighbor again reminded me of the lesson my friend taught me over and over again, "Pull up your big girl panties and deal with it!" What a fun way to just smile and deal with life or maybe I just need to go buy some new PANTIES!!! Are you a member of the "Big Girl Panties Club"?
This post is dedicated to two of my favorite "Big Girl Panties Club" girlfriends. Both have birthday's this week....Diane, aka Ethel, hits the double nickel and Beth, welcome to the 50's club. Love you both!