My Christmas mugs setting upon my first Christmas gift from my husband nestled among my wedding bouquet. |
They glistened above their competing surroundings.
The light twinkled through the cuts of glass for my attention. They beckoned me to come see.
Through all the competition of dishes, ornaments, and Christmas toys...they alone caught my eye.
As I strolled toward them I gave out a sigh, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
The longing of just my husband and I danced around in my Christmas season packed mind.
There was a time before children when it all began with just two.
Our nest was being blessed with little ones now and my mother's heart was captured by Christmas for my children, but the longing of the past called to me through the Christmas mugs.
We had three Christmas's together before our blessings started arriving.
We celebrated Christmas with family, then our own on Christmas day,
before packing the car for a week long road trip to different states.
We had enjoyed time as a couple.
As the young ones entered our home I had to make a conscience effort to remember us as a couple.
The Christmas mugs were for us. I would find a time to enjoy them together.
They would hold a special symbol of a "Couple's Time at Christmas".
I had to have I reached up for only two mugs, holding them while I continued to dream on
my future vision for their purpose, I continued my shopping.
December 1, 2010 marks 31 years since his proposal, I said "I will", and I remove the Christmas mugs from their boxes.
I prominently display them as a reminder to take time out for "us".
I wish I could say I have been faithful to this commitment since the day the mugs were purchased.
Regretfully, I have not.
More little ones came and then the season of four teenagers.
Basketball tournaments, music recitals, Christmas programs and Christmas children's parties all seemed to
fight for the my attention and shamefully many years the mugs returned to their boxes unused.
This year our church is hosting a Marriage Conference by Paul Tripp next week...yes in December.
I think I will make sure the mugs are used during that weekend.
Because it all began with two and one day it will return to two...I must celebrate Christmas with him
as my priority instead of letting the season run away without the use of my Christmas mugs.
There needs to be some eggnog moments that we recall as we age as a couple.
What do you do with your husband to make the season a "couples" time?

30 Joining in with more words:
It can be difficult at times to
have any alone time with my
husband due to our circumstances.
However, just like Paul told us
to stir ourselves up in the Lord,
we have to do the same when it
comes to our relationship with
our spouse. When he and I purpose
in our hearts to make time in the
evening to be alone we just enjoy
sitting together and holding hands
in the dark. We talk, which usually leads to prayer, which then leads to feeling better, stronger in our relationship to Him and each other.
I can't imagine how couples stay
together without the Lord at the
center of their lives.
Enjoyed this post today, Janette.
Very sweet.
Happy Anniversary Janette and your husband. Those crystal mugs are precious and I know you treasure them. Hope you enjoy your special day.
Thank you Janette for spurring me on. We can be so consumed with "things" that seem important. You hit me this morning with a brick. :) Anniversary last week, in the middle of the flurry of the Holiday, we were trying to plan a getaway this weekend, I called him early this am @ work & suggested we cancel - too much I want to get done, like Christmas decorating. What is more important???? I'll answer you don't have to.
Thank you for sharing your sweet moments.
i love your Christmas mugs! and yes, you're
right, it comes back to just two. painful, at
first, but more fun as you become accustomed
to it.
there is a hint of newlywed days . . . there's
just a third person between us, weight wise.
well maybe not an entire third person. :)
sorry i poked fun at your beautifully large
state of texas and that you can't win the
candy cane contest.
UNLESS you get your tiny charlie brown tree!
Blessings to you and I pray that you have a extra special December. We were married 16 years before I ever went somewhere without the kids. It is hard sometimes to remember what we did before babies arrived. I try each week to just go do one thing with my husband that is out of the ordinary. Thanks for sharing and I love those mugs. Blessings to you and really 31 years is something to praise God for, Wow, we got engaged almost the same time of year, Do you think we might be twins? :)
What a perfectly wonderful idea. I LOVE your mugs. My hubby and I STARTED our marriage with a 2 year old soo we never got those days of being young and without any kids. I think it is SUCH an important time and it does make me sad that we missed it. When we moved into this house (6 mon. ago now) it was really the very first time we have ever actually lived COMPLETELY by ourselves...let me just say... I LOVE IT!! ; ) Some things I miss of course, but when I am feeling that way I simply invite some of our kids over and they bring their little ones and I enjoy it to my hearts content. But when they leave, my hubby and I look at each other and smile and say, "How did we ever do that?" haha Looking back when you asked that question I realized that my hubby and I almost ALWAYS had a date night...Many, many years we were soo poor it was nothing more than a walk or a drive or a piece of pie somewhere or something but our date night was guarded and protected and neither one of us rarely broke the date. We have also always had our Sat. morning coffee and chat sessions. Our kids KNEW to interupt one of these "chats" was a BIG mistake. Sometimes it was the only way to keep caught up on what was happening. Life gets in the way REALLY REALLY easily (as you well know) so "couple time" was REALLY big with us...we will be married 36 years soon and it is the two of us for the first time, and how I am enjoying it....Have a wonderful day. HUGS
What a lovely tradition and reminder. It can be difficult, even without kids, to put your spouse first some times, with all of life getting in the way. Good for you for reviving your tradition!
Sweet story. We had one Christmas alone, just a month after we were married. The next Christmas we had our precious daughter. We had prayed for children right from the start and God blessed us with getting pregnant just a couple of months after the wedding.
We usually take a night to go out together shopping alone for Christmas. It is something we look forward to.
THAT is soooo precious!
Blessings and love be to you!
What a sweet & inspiring post! Our devotional times each morning are very special to me. We read, we communicate about the things that are on our minds...we take informal turns keeping each others' coffee mugs full...
This was so pretty-really enjoyed it.
It is really hard to find the time to just be "two" when there are more pulling at your heart strings too.
As a mom it is hard for me to remember that I need to put my husband first too-I think in the back of my mind somewhere I am thinking he is an adult he will understand they need me right now.
Happy Anniversary dear friend.
Oh, SO lovely!!! You must have been deliriously happy the Christmas that he proposed. Celebrating with you!
Your post is in keeping with our Marriage Monday theme at Chrysalis, "Joy for Two at Christmas." Maybe you would like to link this post on Monday?!? I'd be honored!
((Hugs)) e-Mom
This was a very beautiful and poetic post. I felt like I was right there with you through all the memories, inperfections, and "crazy times."
Actually, I have not thought about what my husband and I will be doing "as a couple" during the holiday season. You have given me something to think about.
-Lady Rose
Happy Anniversary... have a wonderful week.
Oh, Janette, you are so right, it will return to just the two of you and if you do not take the time to stay "in touch" that time may seem a bit strange when it happens.
How awesome that you are going to hear Paul Tripp. He is author of the fabulous book, War of Words. I bet that will be a great conference.
Always enjoy stopping by!
What a lovely post...thanks, Janette!
ah, very wise Janette! Even though you 'started over' with your family and it seems like a long time ahead... you already know how fast these years go. Time with hubby and special traditions with just you 2 is such a smart thing.
We used to do stocking for each other since we do our gifts on hristmas Eve, and would open them on Christmas morning. Haven't done that for quite awhile... now you've got me going... I think this will be stocking year again!! :) beautiful and so true. In God's order, your husband needs to come before your children. They are an offspring of you both. From the two He made one, and from the one, he blessed you with a child. Such a beautiful picture.
I love the symbolism of the crystal glasses, wheat they respresent. Use them with love and joy this Christmas and remember all the gifts and blessings that God has bestowed upon you.
31 years.....God is so good. :) Congratulations.
Much love,
Oh, what gorgeous mugs! I have some, too, but they are more "fun", than so cool that your hubby gave them to you, what a sweetheart! Oh...we watched The Family Man after you brought it up the other day, this time with our daughter (she put her hands over her eyes a couple of times, lol!).
I love those mugs. Now that our children are almost grown up, I can spend far my time with my DH, but it takes some pactices after years with children around.
Lovely story of your beautiful Christmas (they are gorgeous) mugs and the tale of you and your husband before the Lord filled your quiver.
I was once reminded that once my children are all grown up and ready to flutter their wings away from home and begin their own families it will be just my husband and I. I want to continue to build on my relationship and make the most of every moment together.
Reading your post, last night it reminded me of my wedding candle holders. I couldn't find one and immediately began searching for it. Thankfully, I found it and the pair are joined now!
Thanks for the reminder.
May God bless you and may your marriage continue to be a reflection of His love and mercy!
This is a beautiful post! I love the visual reminder of the cups.
We begin and end each day talking. In the morning we talk over coffee before he heads to work. In the evenings we spend time talking before bedtime. These are just small things but it is when we really connect.
Here's hoping those 2 mugs get lots of use this year! What a wonderful idea.
So true, Janette! Although we've only been married 9 wonderful years, now that we are empty nesters I realize that it is the two of us who will always be our home. What a blessing that is!
So we have more time for each other, and we are truly blessed.
The husband-wife relationship is so important. Often families get so busy with child activities. But the children learn so much from seeing how their parents interact with one another. I know that was the case with my parents. I learned how to be a wife from my mother.
This Christmas season I'm thankful to have two weeks off from work to spend with Greg. We are looking forward to those days and I hope to do a few fun things together. We are so enjoying all the beautifully decorated homes in the neighborhood where we are currently living. It's a very old fashioned kind of decorating but reminds us both of our childhoods.
Love you,
This is a wonderful post, with such an important message! I love your couples mugs and what they represent. I hope you enjoy using them again this year as you spend time together celebrating Christmas and your love for each other.
Wow...they are so pretty! What a great tradition!
Love this! Eggnog moments for sure! It is so true that we couples with kids must fight to remember the couple amidst all the kids and their kids stuff!
Thanks for linking up with Marriage Monday today, Janette! And thanks for taking some time to visit the other Marriage Monday participants. I've enjoyed reading your comments sprinkled around.
If I had to do it over, I've decided I would love to be married at Christmas. It's such a joyous time of year. Joy upon joy!
(((Hugs))) e-Mom ღ
Challenges can sometimes deplete our marriage relationship and we have to pinch ourselves that we have to work on it. Thanks for your post am pinching myself now. Happy MM and Holidays ahead!
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