My Christmas mugs setting upon my first Christmas gift from my husband nestled among my wedding bouquet. |
They glistened above their competing surroundings.
The light twinkled through the cuts of glass for my attention. They beckoned me to come see.
Through all the competition of dishes, ornaments, and Christmas toys...they alone caught my eye.
As I strolled toward them I gave out a sigh, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
The longing of just my husband and I danced around in my Christmas season packed mind.
There was a time before children when it all began with just two.
Our nest was being blessed with little ones now and my mother's heart was captured by Christmas for my children, but the longing of the past called to me through the Christmas mugs.
We had three Christmas's together before our blessings started arriving.
We celebrated Christmas with family, then our own on Christmas day,
before packing the car for a week long road trip to different states.
We had enjoyed time as a couple.
As the young ones entered our home I had to make a conscience effort to remember us as a couple.
The Christmas mugs were for us. I would find a time to enjoy them together.
They would hold a special symbol of a "Couple's Time at Christmas".
I had to have them...so I reached up for only two mugs, holding them while I continued to dream on
my future vision for their purpose, I continued my shopping.
December 1, 2010 marks 31 years since his proposal, I said "I will", and I remove the Christmas mugs from their boxes.
I prominently display them as a reminder to take time out for "us".
I wish I could say I have been faithful to this commitment since the day the mugs were purchased.
Regretfully, I have not.
More little ones came and then the season of four teenagers.
Basketball tournaments, music recitals, Christmas programs and Christmas children's parties all seemed to
fight for the my attention and shamefully many years the mugs returned to their boxes unused.
This year our church is hosting a Marriage Conference by Paul Tripp next week...yes in December.
I think I will make sure the mugs are used during that weekend.
Because it all began with two and one day it will return to two...I must celebrate Christmas with him
as my priority instead of letting the season run away without the use of my Christmas mugs.
There needs to be some eggnog moments that we recall as we age as a couple.
What do you do with your husband to make the season a "couples" time?