We made it! Everyone got out the door on time, dressed, feed and pictures taken.
The race begins. Football, Awanas, Lego Club, jobs, and Senior events.
I looked down and realize, I too, am running out the starting gate.
Time to sign up for classes, fill my calendar with webinars, go to networking meetings, and learn all the technology for my business. My web site is up, but not finished yet.
Oh my!, summer is gone.
I am also planning for next summer.
If you fail to plan you plan to fail and I have just had about enough of failing.
I want to go to Colorado next summer...Durango. I want to ride the train, I want to hike, I want to refresh in the outdoors and take my guys along.
So today I am going to mark out time each day to work on my business!
I am also going to carve out time to play with my grandsons.
First on the list is to take Joshua to see the trains near us.
We are running the race that is set before us.
It looks so different than what I imagined, but each step becomes more familiar.
Benjamin's teacher is the husband of a children's pastor. The administrator of his school home schooled with me years ago. This charter school is a blessing to this now-ex-home-school mom.
There is an excitement in the air. Time to get my running shoes on. Time to make my list. Time to watch what the Lord does this year. Time to pull the weeds that have started to strangle my garden, but physically and spiritual. Time for a new crop and harvest.