This morning, my four-year-old kept disappearing into my closet. I couldn't figure out what could be in the closet that was so interesting to him. When he came out, I questioned his choice of playing in the closet. He proudly responded, "it's my Batman Cave!" His sister and I burst into laughter. Then an idea popped into my head....he needed his own Batman Cave.
So I turned to him with my eyes sparkling excitedly and a higher pitch in my voice, "you know what? I am going to fix you a Batman Cave in the closet under the stairs!" Before his sister could finish styling my hair, he had run from the room and made sure this would be accomplished...TODAY! He dragged all the blankets, basketballs, baseball gloves, swords, pillows....(you get the picture), out of the future home for Batman!
His sister came around the corner laughing, "Mom, everything is all over the entry way floor." The adventure had began.
As one of those interior decorating-minded persons, I couldn't just have a Batman Cave that was just an empty closet....Oh, NO! It had to be the real thing. We attached nails on the wall for Batman's Mask. We found old keys for the Batman Cave door, which would also hang on the wall. We attached the Batcape to a hanger. Dollar Store provided the plastic table cloth which would become the draped black entry into the cave. Leftover Batman birthday party decorations would attach to the walls.
We grabbed the camera to document Batman in his cave. I texted the older brothers to let them know that they, too, could come to venture into the Batman Cave. His 24 year-old-brother texted back how he loved the closet under the stairs in our old home.
Memories were made, Momma enjoyed playing and a four-year-old's eyes were lit up as Mom stopped her day to make a REAL Batman Cave.
I was shortly jolted back to reality, leaving behind the imaginary, when the mother of my daughter's friend drove into our driveway. She is now very small, a scarf hides her bald head, and her arms are bruised from her cancer treatments. As I tried to encourage her in her fight, she turned to me and started telling me what the Lord has shown her. The unanswerable question of our final day on this earth only makes it even more special to stop and make a Batman Cave to fill with memories.
Dad arrived home after a long day at work to hear his four-year-old yell, "look Dad!" Our son then announced that he was Batman and Dad was Robin. The adventure would continue with persuading "Robin" to sleep with "Batman" in the Bat Cave. A cheerful Dad (Robin) laid down in the imaginary world of his youngest son (Batman), with his legs sticking out of the "Cave" across the entry way and a small protest from Mom to have Robin sleep with her.
Have you stopped your day to play? Time is just too precious not to stop and make a Batman Cave.
13 Joining in with more words:
Oh Janette I LOVE this...What a good mama you are. My oldest son had to have a "costume" for everything he ever imagined himself to be. Back in the day where there were no such costumes to be had at a store. Soo of course I made them all. We had VERY elaborate costumes and set ups for his world let me tell you, haha...but your right...the memories are priceless. The batman closet is a WONDERFUL idea. I love the make believe world of a child. Have a GREAT week-end...HUGS, Debbie
Tamera spent many happy times in our closet under the stairs! She was about 4 when we moved into the Boot Hill house. Loved seeing all the excitement at your house. Nothing like a place of 'refuge' tailor made for us. Makes me think of how much fun it will be in heaven in our special places!
I know that was fun! I'm glad to see those pajamas enjoyed so much!
Oh Debbie you were a great mom and you are probably one of the best grandmothers. Sure wish you had been around when my first four were small and I was making costumes for our home school. :) I only know one person with a sewing machine now days. What precious memories you have!!!
Nana...yes heaven will be a blast
Angie...thanks for the pj's that have ignited the imagination
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! After I read your kind comments I just had to come and check out your blog. What a wonderful post greeted me! My own son had a "cave" underneath our stairs when he was young and your pictures brought back such fun memories. Thanks for sharing!
I really loved this. These years are flying by so fast, and when you gave the perspective of our final day, you're right... the batman cave takes on even more importance. These are the days and years we have... I want every one of them to count!
So nice to meet you! You have a lovely family. I admire all homeschool Moms!
Please do join us for Marriage Monday on June 7, 2010 at Chrysalis.
Congrats on 30 years of marriage. We're working on 31...
e-Mom @ Chrysalis :~D
I love this too. You're such a good mom! I miss those days of adventure with the imaginations of little ones. Maybe when I have grandkids...
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks everyone...I think I am being able to play again so I will remember how to do it when I have grandkids!! Isn't God good to stop us along the journey and give us the gift of play?
What a cute idea!!!! Love it! Thanks for your sweet comment and stopping by my blog on the Summer Tour!! :D
You have got it right. I am for making memories( thus name of my blog.)The memories you are making will carry your family throughout their lives, the hard times as well as the good times. Most inspiring post.Thanks for sharing.
You're right - I love it! And I SO can relate. Little boys and superheros = a match made in heaven.
May God bless your dear friend with His lovingkindness in every area of her life.
Sweet words - fitly spoken.
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