John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as the U.S. president, Mickey Mantel signed a $75K major league baseball contract, the 23rd Amendment was added to the United States Constitution, Bob Dylan made his singing debut in New York City, the Bay of Pigs Invasion occurred, the American civil rights movement was in full swing, Six Flags over Texas opened, the Berlin Wall construction began and I, Janette Cunningham, was born into the world.
I am joining with Janna at Mommy's Piggy Tales to document the history of my life from birth to age 18. As I have gathered my pictures and stories I can truly see it is "His-story".
The year was 1961.
So here it goes.....and yes, my pictures will start out in black and white, because that was the medium for most pictures back in the 60's.
I am a first-born child. My mother is Loetta Jane Ayers Cunningham and my father is Kenneth Jay Cunningham. I was born on January 8, 1961, in Austin, Texas. My full name is Janette Cunningham.
My parents did not give me a middle name. My father claimed that they did not give me a middle name so I would use my maiden name as my middle name when I married.
Janette is pronounced Jeanette. My mother's name is Jane, so my name is Little Jane! Jane and Janette also mean "Grace".
My claim to fame is the fact I was born on Elvis Presley's Birthday! This was the year of his movie, "Blue Hawaii" and hit song, "I Can't Help Falling in Love with You". Elvis had moved into what was called his irrelevant years, as soul music was making it's hit in popularity.
I was born right before my father graduated with his Civil Engineering Degree from The University of Texas. So, I was raised a native Texan, as well as a Longhorn.
I am the first grandchild on my mother's side and the second on my father's side.
I was the fourth generation on both sides of the family, with three great-grandmothers still living. I scared everyone by getting into my great-grandmother Powell's medicine bag and getting out her heart medicine. So, along with eating half of a roach at my grandmother's house, I kept them all running. My great-grandmothers, as well as my grandmothers, all lived into their 90's. Strong countenance and long life is an inheritance I received from these wonderful women.
My life and my future husband's life would start crossing even before my birth. My parents lived within two blocks of my future husband's family before moving to the home where I was born. My mother worked in the same office with my future brother-in-law, while pregnant with me.

I wasn't an only child for long. My sister was born 14 months later. During my mother's busy days with two children under two, I established a special friendship with an older woman who lived across the street, whom we affectionately called "Nanny Bell". I would wander over to her house by myself, so my handyman father had to construct a picket fence from throw away lumber to protect my wandering feet. I would return through the years to visit her after our move.
I would challenge my Dad's construction ability again by falling off the bed, (while mom was having my sister), and knocking out my front tooth. My Dad then built me a small bed close to the floor for my safety.
During my early years, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother and many of my future traits would reveal themselves at my grandmother's house. The tip-toes would predict what I would do with my feet in later years. God's precious hand can be traced from the beginning of my conception to my present day life....what an awesome gift this life is!
27 Joining in with more words:
LOVE it that you used so many pictures in your post! What a gorgeous baby you were! That one of you on your tiptoes by the chair is just truly adorable. What excellent photos!
Nice to meet you -- and nice touches including what other things were going on in the world when you were born.
I love it that everyone is using old photos. It really gives a sense of being there as you read. Yours is a wonderful story, but tell me how your brother-in-law worked with your pregnant mom? I suppose he must be many years older than you! Did you know your husband growing up?
It's fun getting to know one another this way. Thanks for sharing!
What a sweet story! Both my Little Gram and Big Gram (great grandmothers) lived to be over 90, and my grandmother is still going 100 mph at 82. :)
And it's nice to meet a fellow Longhorn, I lived in Austin for 8 years. Hook 'Em! :)
The thing that sticks out the most is how far photography has come in the last few decades. AMAZING.
Isn't wonderful to have a sister so close in age to you? My little sister is 13 months younger, and I fell down the stairs while my mom was in the hospital with my baby sister and my dad was home with me!
I love the meaning of your name...very precious!
Oh Janette, I LOVED this. What a good idea and thing to do. If I didn't have soo much going on it is just the kind of thing I too would enjoy doing. What a glimpse into your life we will get. What a darling little baby you were.
I wanted to let you know that I got your beautiful pillow!! I can't even express how much I loved it and how much it meant to me. Literally had me in tears. I have the perfect place to put it too. I have this comfy pink chair that I sit in everyday to do my devotions and blogging etc. It matches soo well. I will take a picture of it and post it when I am getting around better. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for this. What a wonderful ministry the Lord has given you to do with this. I am thinking I want to order one for my neice's bridal shower that is coming up in July. Any ideas you have for such an event would be great. I'll get an order in as soon as you think I need to on this. Again, thank you soo much for blessing me with this..
Love and hugs,
What a great post. 1961 was a good year. You were born the same year as my husband, but I wasn't born yet. I love the photos. Can't wait to read more next time.
I loved it! Thanks for including Mom. She often told me about the trips she took with you to the farm. She loved you so much!
Great story! It sounds like you were quite the spirited little one!
What an absolutely adorable child you were!
I've found that memories are such an amazing retreat for me, especially since I had the privilege of being raised in such a godly, secure home. It appears your memories are equally solid and, no doubt, a source of immense joy.
I love your post- YOUR pictures are AMAZING, our family doesnt have much so i just love seeing others- Your baby pic is so so cute. JUst LOVE it.
Just became your follower look forward to more- and you have 6 kiddies (wow) my hat is off to you my friend.
Your baby picture literally took my breath away. Oh, there are times when I wish I had grown up in TX or another Southern state. I LOVE being from MN, but there is something beautiful about a southern belle!
Oh my, the history! You have done your homework. The vintage pictures and the story woven in between is an heirloom already. This is going to be a fun journey.
I look forward to watching your story unfold.
Beautiful Janette! I so enjoyed reading about your life. You were beautiful then and still are. I too spent a lot of time at my grandmother's farm and she had such a strong faith. Great post.
Thanks to everyone...this will be fun...probably boring to many and too wordy for others, but it is my story and while I am telling it I will have finally gotten something written.
Thanks for coming and reading about my beginning and thanks for all your precious comments,
I loved your story and all the pictures. I look forward to reading more about your childhood. It's nice to find someone doing the project in the same age range as I am. I also have 6 kids.
We grew up during the same times, although I am a few months older :-) I met Priscilla Presley once, and blogged about that back on Elvis birthday.
Your mom was beautiful and I loved all the photos of you as a baby. What a cutie. It sounds like you kept your dad and mom hopping. I had a couple of kids like that :-)
I love you incorporated the history of that time and saved the best event for last - you!
The black and white photos are stunning! What a lovely record for friends and family to enjoy!
Enjoyed my visit here this morning! Hope you have a great Friday.
Come see me.
Will be following as soon as Blogger will work this morning. I think we are just a hop, skip and a jump from each other.
Janette, how I loved reading this post! First of all, you were an adorable baby! I loved each one of your photos.
I am 8 years older than you. My little sis was born January 16, 1960 so you are one year apart.
I hope you will continue your story because you have written it so well. I'm intrigued to see the impact people have had in your life and how God's hand has been upon you.
I have a feeling you may be a dancer with those toes. Am I right?
Blessings and love,
I loved reading a little bit of your history, Janette. This will be a treasure for your children some day--the fact that you wrote it down like this.
I enjoyed looking at your pictures as well.
i loved this post! soooooo adorable and and
elvis baby to boot!!! soooo jealous.
So nice to meet you on this first post!
Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. I truly enjoying getting to know you like this - precious life story already!
Blessings and grace,
Oh my goodness - I have pictures where the poses could be mirror images! I also have a sister born 13 months behind me. :)
I was born in 1963 - on Christmas Eve!
Glad I strolled through,
glad janna showed cased you, I had so many to read I could not tell which ones.. I love your old photos so much... I love the way your story started... cant' wait to read more next time.
Such great pictures! I love going to my great grandma's house and looking at all the old photos of my her, great grandpa,grandma and my mom. There's just something about a black and white photo.
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