Welcome to my eclectic journey of my life and delights. This year my theme is surrendering my writing pen to the true author, Jesus Christ, while looking forward to the future, reflecting on the past and dancing through my journey.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Old is Always New Again

This Christmas season started off with a bang....a BIG BANG.  The week after Thanksgiving was so stacked with appointments and events I wasn't sure my body would survived.  Well, it did!

I am on the Decor and Environment group at the church.  What is that you ask?  Basically it is getting the church or room ready for an event.  We come in to decorate and set up and take down. For December that meant we were to decorate the entry, halls and class rooms for Christmas.  The head designer does a great job and I am honored to come along side and just help, along with other women.

This is just a few of us who helped behind the scenes get the church ready for Christmas.  We laughed about my lumberjack shirt!

 I think this is the link so you can hear him!

 Benjamin had his Christmas concert at the University of North Texas on Tuesday night.  He is the only boy in this Jr High Orchestra.  He is also only in 5th grade.  He did an awesome job. He is in the back corner to the left next to a teacher.

Stress relief was given in this over-scheduled week by going to keep my grandsons.  We made cinnamon ornaments for the tree.  I had also made 2 dozens for Ben's class at school, which I helped decorate his room with on Wednesday, before keeping my grands.  Just playing with my grandsons makes all the tiredness go away, and even some of the body aches.
The youngest grandsons is now walking/running and giggling.  These ages are so much fun.

In between all of this Benjamin and I found our Christmas tree.  It is the smallest we have ever had, but we are enjoying it.  This meant time to pull out all the decorations.  Each year this a trip down memory lane for me.  This usually means laughter and some tears.  It always means thankfulness to a God who hasn't forsaken us.  All the old, because new again, as I decorate our house.

Then the reminder that all of the stockings started 36 years ago and we keep adding the blessings of more reindeer.  I started the reindeer stockings at age 19, a young bride.  Now days everyone seems to marry so much older, so I guess I just got a jump on the journey of marriage and family.

Benjamin and I decided to use our artificial tree for the grandsons' tree.  Their ornaments will cover this tree.  I also grabbed some of their parent's ornaments and put on their tree...Winnie the Pooh, Toy Story and Dr Seuss.  I am hoping they enjoy their tree when the see it.  I know Benjamin and I are already enjoying it.

I finished up the week with another visit to the second set of three grandsons.  Of course, we needed to make something also, so I grabbed the paint.  We took their pumpkin and made it into a snowman.  David was so excited he hugged the pumpkin!

The week came to an end.  Memories were made, obligations completed, even lunch with a friend and the calendar turns another page in December.  This week is slower.  I am going to cherish the time to set at the feet of my Savior.  May you also have time to spend hearing His voice and worshiping the one who the season is all about.

8 Joining in with more words:

Farm Girl said...

Its all lovely. Thank you for sharing. You are such a busy lady.
We made ornaments last week too. Its so nice having such nice little voices around don't you think?
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Christine said...

Benjamin is becoming quite the young man. I has been fun to "watch" him grow.
My favorite picture in this post, is the one of the tree and mantel with ALL THOSE STOCKINGS!!
How cute is that !!

podso said...

I like slow at Christmas and try to get things done early so I can slow down and savor and contemplate and be thankful. I am amazed at all those stockings!

Vee said...

Now I hope that folks didn't tease too much about the lumberjack shirt. I love all of mine and wear them often. Besides you look so cute up on that ladder!

Must fire up the PC laptop in hopes of hearing Benjamin. Any grandmother who calms down making cinnamon ornaments with her toddler grandsons has her heart in the right place. That would not be relaxing for me. LOL!

Enjoy your quieter week...

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Sounds like a busy past few days for you. I bet your church is beautifully decorated by all you talented ladies. Ours is always very pretty but I don't usually help with the decorating there. Have a great weekend Jeanette!

Diana Ferguson said...

Enjoyed the pics! Busy and blessed time of the year.

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