Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Shoes Should I Wear?

Isn't it amazing how often someone can tell you what shoes you should be walking in
and yet, they don't know what terrain you are walking on? 
So, let's see... can you tell me what shoes I need for my journey?
How about these?
or these?
these are really cute...
Am I getting to the point?

These would be fun!
"Before I can walk in another person's shoes, I must first
remove my own." - Brian Tracy

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away, and barefoot.

Before we give advice, shouldn't we first understand the 
terrain in which the shoes are being used...and 
maybe keep our inexperienced advice to ourselves...
until we have also developed the understanding the other person's
journey has produced in them?

So... do you know what shoes I need?
I have many friends journeying on terrains I have never walked. May I only point them to the one
who establishes our paths.
Proverbs 2:20 - So you will walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous.


  1. Well... I like the high heels but I doubt anyone should be walking very far in them!

    It's a good thing we have the Bible to show us how and where to walk ~ what path to take.

    May Yahweh God guide you on your path and light it up with His wonderful glory!

    Blessings today and everyday,


  2. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
    That is what I am singing in my head after reading your post. Thanks for the reminder :)

  3. i would NEVER presume to tell you what
    shoes you should wear! my kids make
    fun of my MBTs which are super ugly but
    feel SOOOOOO good.

    this is such a clever post and admonition
    to let each other walk our own paths.

    thank you for your sweet comments on
    'special friends.' we do treasure that
    and try not to take it for granted.


  4. Thank you so much, my grandpa, would always look at me with sad eyes, and say, " Kim, you have never walked a mile in that person's shoes." I still catch myself hearing his voice when I judge to quickly or say something that might have been better off unsaid. Very nice reminder, I would if I could though, wear the pretty high heels.

  5. Good post, Janette.

    For His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path...

    I know what you're saying about judging tho, and criticizing. Same thing about the beam in one's eye.

    We have to be careful, don't we?

    Have a wonderful week!!!

  6. Sounds to me like you need to borrow my go-go boots ;)


  7. I want to add my own AMEN to this one. How easy it is to judge another. But if you really don't understand the circumstances they are dealing with, it's often misunderstood. It seems that the ones who have been most helpful to me are the ones who have walked in my shoes too.

    Love you,

  8. A very hearty "Amen!" to this one,
    Janette. I can't count the times
    my parents would tell me not to
    judge another for I was not
    walking in their shoes. And now
    I hear myself telling Seth the
    same thing.
    I know everyone in my family
    wishes I'd throw away my ancient
    brown leather Aerosoles clogs
    but they are so comfy, though
    not much to look at now.
    Great post!

  9. Such a good point!

    If I can just get my OWN shoes comfortable, that seems to be a big enough job! :)

  10. boy what a great post.. and if you are anything like me,, in my life it seems like i change shoes like i change
    Heres praying that we dont judge people , but pray for them instead,, regardless of what terrain they have been on..
    love ya.. god bless

  11. An inspiring photo essay, Janette.
    And an appropriate theme for a dancer, eh? I appreciate your sensitivity to others.

    Thanks for adding an explanation of your sidebar for us!

  12. I remember the saying also, "until you've walked a mile in another man's shoes"! The Lord brings this to mind, when I start looking harshly at an individual. We just don't know. I think that's why the words "I know how you feel" needs to be removed from our list of responses.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. I remember when I was young thinking judgmental thoughts about my grandmother's and aunt's shoes. Now when I wear my crocs with my dressy clothes and see my granddaughters eyeing my shoes, I just have to smile to myself--someday they will understand.

    Now I know this was supposed to have a spiritual meaning but understanding the literal meaning makes it a lot more real to me.

    Thanks for a delightful and insightful post.


  14. I think along these lines often but would have never come up with such a cleaver way to post about it. We never know where someone has been or where they are going and what they are dealing with. Certainly makes me not near so critical when I think of all these factors.

    Thanks for another inspiring post!

  15. I really love this post. A LOT. Hmm, I'm wearing "muck boots!"
    Your face lift looks fantastic! I may need your surgeon. I've got a "practice blog" all set up but am scared to make the changes. As usual, I'll try my best to follow your lead!

  16. You're singing my song, friend! I have an affinity (that means LOTS of) for shoes.

    If ever there was anyone guilty of "assessing" (better than judging) another's shoes and walk, it's me. Oh that I'd be more compassionate, more tolerant, and more like Jesus today & always.

    I think I like cowboy boots best.


  17. Janette,

    I was LOL at the shoes, particularlly those boots with the different colored stripes on them. I don't think that I would wear those in public, lol! :)

    At any rate, your show post makes some excellent points about judging others without knowing the full story. I am one who tends to jump to conclusions too fast (e.g., assuming), and that usually leads to my downfall, as my assumptions are usually filled to the brim with errors! Ugh! :(

    You are right though, we can't tell people what shoes to wear. With my luck, I'd be wearing thos boots that I wouldn't want to wear in public! :)


    -Lady Rose

  18. When I was at school I read To Kill A Mockingbird and the one thing I loved about the book is the quote about walking in someone elses shoes before you past judgement. I do think of this often, as we do quickly judge others based on looks when we don't even know the person. However I do agree that what we wear does send a message that may be quickly misinterpreted. I dress the way the bible instructs with modesty.

    I wear shoes that are comfortable so no high heeled for me, but I do like some heel


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