Welcome to my eclectic journey of my life and delights. This year my theme is surrendering my writing pen to the true author, Jesus Christ, while looking forward to the future, reflecting on the past and dancing through my journey.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Drama and Maturity

School Mascots and Marching Team
Brace-free, while smiling with straight teeth, thinking I was "too big for my britches", as my father would say, I entered High School. This would be the mixing of old and new. My High School moved into a new building, but it was the city's namesake founded in 1881. So, the "River Rats" joined the old establishment, mixing the old with the new. I would be part of the first graduating class from the NEW Stephen F. Austin High School.

Looking back, I can say this was the year in which my peers became the most influential in my life. I wanted to be busy with friends all the time. I had a great advantage to get to know the high school boys from my church youth group when my Dad decided to coach the church basketball team. I was allowed to attend games, even if the rule was no dating until age 16, because my Dad would take me. This new team would draw boys to our church. My best friend would meet her "husband to be" this year (they just celebrated 30 years) and my future husband would play on the men's basketball team. Attending every church event revolved around my friends and the guys. The guys still talk about how they knew that if they touched me, my dad would come after them with a gun.  The other advantage of his being a coach was the guys would come to our house and my mom would fill them up with homemade donuts. So even in my naïve innocence, God had placed a protective boundary around me. I would be given the nickname "JC" at church, which is still used by these friends. Since I ran around with older youth, they all drove and my adventures went through the roof.

  • Sunday afternoons were spent dreamy-eyed, watching the guys play football and then listening to them compare how big their strawberries (bruises) were
  • Everyone would gather at the burger or pizza joint after church on Sunday night
  • Spending the night with friends would bring opportunities for group gatherings….like stuffing ourselves in a phone booth and playing on a local swing set at the school
  • Eating ice cream at the Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Shop...non-alcoholic daiquiri ice  made me think I was doing something risky
  • Bras that fastened in the front….wow, was I "sexy"…only in my head!
  • Movies – A Star is Born/ Jaws/ Rocky
  • Music – Chicago/ Eagles/ BeeGees/ Barry Manilow
  • Shop on Saturdays with my girlfriend and, because of babysitting, I would buy my first totally retail store outfit... I didn't have to sew it!!!
I would express myself in drama this year when the answer was "no" to all of my requests to be with the "group". I guess I wore my parents down because by the end of the year I was allowed to double date…by then, the boy I really liked wasn't interested. He had been my "boyfriend" for two long months, but this meant being together in a group and over the phone. I just thought I would die before I could date…wise parents with a too-big-for-her-britches daughter. I would express my "hormonal-induced" drama in my diary…oh my…my mother did survive. Maturity

School would bring the first-born leader characteristics into view. Since my neighborhood was supposed to go to another high school known for its state championship drill team, I was more than upset to enter a school with the original marching girls group still in knee-length skirts. I had watched from the bus stop for years when the drill team members left their homes in their uniforms for school. My best friend from church had just danced for her school drill team. With unwavering confidence, I decided to petition the principal with signatures, asking for a drill team to be established. I would speak directly to our principal with all the reasons for allowing the drill team to be formed. She agreed, with the understanding that there wouldn't be any school funding and I would have to find a sponsor. I found a sponsor and organized the first tryouts for the drill team by the end of the year with outside judges from other schools officiating. I tried out with a dance to "Sweet Gypsy Rose". So the "new" was bringing in their influence and the "old" wasn't sure how they felt. I would tryout for officer and became the first Captain for the Austin High Steppers. This would become my life at school….I would be very quiet in class with classmates, but would shine in my element. The summer would be spent preparing for the drill team's preliminary year. Choreographing dances and designing our uniforms, which I did, with the seamstress talent of my mom.

I would continue with youth choir and we would perform the musical "Alleluia" where my future husband would sing his first solo...which I don't remember!!

Our Nation would celebrate its 200th Birthday and our youth group would travel to Dallas, Texas for a youth rally celebrating our Nation. I would meet my husband to be on this trip. Later I would write in my diary, "I met the greatest guy in the world." He and my mother would become counselors to for our youth trip to Glorietta. Even though there was almost seven years difference in our age, the youth leader, along with my mother, predicted that we would marry one day. Because of our age difference, he had to let me grow up…I thought of him as an older brother. I never remember life without him from then on.
Playing Cards with My Future Husband...Who Knew? 

Oh, even when I was allowed to double-date, I only had one offer. I would never get asked out from anyone at school or receive any invitations to parties…it was known that I didn't drink and I was in a drinking school. I would lead the drill team, but all social activities would revolve around church. Again, God in His mercy kept His hand on me and protected me against myself.

Thus was my school year of 1975 to 1976.

I am coming to the end of recording my youth with Mommy Piggy Tales. I hope this has inspired you to record your own memories!

(I am the one in the photo not looking at the camera)

16 Joining in with more words:

Susannah said...

Grinning all the way through. Those years were packed with excitement, drama, and heartbreak weren't they? It's amazing that you knew your husband even then. (Card playing on the bus. I remember those days...) You've spent nearly a lifetime together! My DH and I were remarking about the same thing. (We met in college, though.) Aren't we BLESSED?

Your heart must be full of joy, having relived your youth. I remember that warm feeling when I did some reflecting a few years ago.


Theresa said...

I love reading your stories. How amazing is it that you have all these photos. I love the one of you and your husband on the bus. God's hand of protection was on you for sure!

Debbie said...

Can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your stories. I can't believe you have so many pics. I think I have one or two of me from high school, haha...And Captain of the Drill Team? How fun and wonderful ~ I am soo impressed. I tried out for the drill team my junior year (when I changed from an all girl Catholic High School to the HUGE local public one) where one of my best friends (she lived across the street) was captain. I didn't make it... = ( Our drill team was HUGE and soo good. My senior year they were asked to march at the Rose Parade. My girlfriend was captain and so I know first hand what a HUGE job and responsibility that really was. She was always soo busy with it. I love how the Lord kept His hand on you through these years. I wasn't allowed to date until I was 16 either. They allowed other things they shouldn't have though. But the Lord used everything in my life to teach my daughter when her turn came. High school....what a HUGE life changing time of life it really is for some many...it's funny it is only 4 years. Have a wonderful week-end my friend. HUGS

Debi said...

One question: Who won the card game? :)
What a sweet shot to have after all these years.
Wonderful story - love it!

Sandy said...

This has been so sweet reading
about your young life adventures.
I know you cherish that photo
of you and your future hubby
playing cards. I need to write
down how I met my love and some
of my adventures as a young girl.

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

I have sooooooooo many pictures...which is so fun!
It has been great to do this project...and as e-mom said...it fills your heart with Joy to see God's hand on you through all the ups and downs!!
Thanks for joining me on this journey

Eos Mom said...

I can't believe you organized a drill team at age 14. Wow! How neat that you've known your husband so long. Great stories!

Rebecca said...

My high school years are further back than yours! It's harder to remember. Ha, ha!

I DID keep diaries though...and occasionally I get them out and chuckle as I remember.

I love the picture of your and your (now) husband playing cards. That 7 year difference is remarkable!

myletterstoemily said...

you look exactly the same . . . well,
what we can see of you! i so enjoy
these trips down your memory lane.

it's remarkable how much you

i was a huge daquiri ice cream fan,

enjoy your new room!


Deborah Ann said...

Did I already comment here yet? I did, but I don't know if it showed up...computer problems here.

I so love that you had such a sweet childhood! So that's what it's like? So fun to read that. No wonder you turned out so great!

Sue said...

Oh! how I enjoyed reading this janette, it brought back so many fond memories for me, and of how God was always working and still is in my life. Thank you for sharing. I was truly blessed.

Janna said...

It's so fun to see the love story unfold! Praise God for protective daddys! Mmm homemade donuts.

All the comments are so encouraging too. How cool that you can encourage so many by telling your story.

gianna said...

Looking back, don't you just get embarrassed at how hormonal we were? Oh, man!

Debbie Petras said...

Oh Janette, I've enjoyed reading all about you. I could tell which one was you in the photo even though you weren't looking at the camera. Playing cards, I see.

I love your leadership quality and the dancing talent you obviously had. Isn't it wonderful to be able to be in your element and the shyness just seems to go away?

You really were a good kid through high school. I guess having protective parents was helpful. My parents were raised in a very strict denomination and rebelled when my siblings and I were kids. So they lived their teenage years through us. It was fun but I have to admit, not so trouble free.

We each are shaped in so many ways by our stories. But how thankful I am for how patient God is with us and how loved we are by Him. Grace, grace ...where would I be without His grace?

Love and hugs,

Leslie @ Farm Fresh Fun said...

Such fun stories that affirm the importance of great parents and unwavering focus on a loving God. My story was not nearly as full of sunshine, but after reading your next post I realize that there was a reason for it all and God's plan is always right, despite my mistakes. Thanks for sharing and reminding me what I want MY daughter to enjoy and remember!

Simple Home said...

I missed this one, I guess. That photo of you and future hubby is precious to have, I'm sure. You sure bring back memories!

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