As I had mentioned in my past post, we had a blast walking down memory lane, with our "oldie but goodies" vinyl records. What I wasn't expecting was the "Surprise" Vinyl. The one that took me off guard, the one that yelled, "who would have known all these events years ago?." The one vinyl that silently and quietly spoke, "Only God."
I remembered the cover. We had two copies of this album. One must have been mine and the other my husband. My husband and I share a difference of seven year in our ages. This means, that when I was in Jr High, he was graduating from high school. Our memories of history in the 70's is very different. He remembers the war, I remember seeing it on TV. He remembers the draft, I wasn't aware of the draft. He remembers discrimination, I don't remember racial tension. Now this album started connecting the spiritual dots.
I started to play the songs, once again remembering the lyrics. What stopped me in my tracks was reading the writing on the back of the album.
Oh WOW! This was a time of God reaching down and igniting a fire in the young people of America. This had happened where I know lived. It had happened in my birth state, just miles from my home town. My spiritual heart just jumped.
All those years ago, people all over the nation had prayed for revival in the youth. I was a young youth, my husband a senior in High School. The cover of the album tells the story, the inside jacket on the album delivered the plan of salvation.

As I stood, on Christmas morning, enjoying the dance down memory lane, my spirit became silent.
You see, I am a product of this move of God. My parents had been faithful to raise me in the Lord, yet the seeds of prayers where probably why I am still walking with the Lord. My husband is also the product of the same seeds sown for our generation. Here we now stand, parents and grandparents, are we sowing seeds for generations to come? I believe we are, yet I was also convicted of the fruit of prayers made for my generation in 1972 at the Jesus Expo.
The timing of this discovery was very eye opening, and yet, there was more the Lord would revive in the following days. I couldn't have orchestrated the events had I know all the info He would show me. This weekend, will be another time to sow seed. I will plant back into the same soil that others did in 1972. There have been many times through the years I know seeds have been planted. I also know, our nation needs a Revival. I want to be faithful to sow seeds in prayer.
I will write on the next event God brought about in my life to drive this point home and get me ready for the event this coming weekend.
***I know there are some of you that may have been at this event or part of this event. I am hoping Sonja of Bits and Pieces can add some to my account. Her father did serve with the Billy Graham ministries. Please, if you were part of this in anyway, would you share. I would like to hear more about what I feel is part of my spiritual heritage.
Harvest America - Arlington, Texas March 6, 2016