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I stand feeling I need to give answers or explanations....I don't...He is the answer.
When there is peace that they can't understand -
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:7
When what they see isn't what they believe we should be doing
"We live by faith, not by sight." II Corn. 5:7
When the logic behind our decisions doesn't shadow the "culture"...even "Christian culture"
"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. Is. 55:8
Joy replaces stress. The joy not found in emotions, the joy that bubbles up from your inner being that has been crushed and you can't fake it.
God has made me smile. My husband laughs again....money can't buy that.
My heart's prayer cries out through this divinely appointed obstacles course that this will be formed in me.
"Strength and dignity are her clothing,
And she smiles at the future" Prov. 31:25
I am responding with a smile....a deep felt smile. I am responding with a taunt. As David taunted the enemy from a reassurance that God would bring the victory, not himself.
Just imagine a boy standing before a giant who had been taunting the army of God. He confidently shouts out...
"For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should taunt the armies of the living God?" I Sam. 17:26
Saul's reaction....(the world's view, even the "Christian culture" view)
"You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are but a youth, while he has been a warrior from his youth." I Sam 17:33
David recounts God's supernatural provision of strength through David's life. I Sam 17:34-37
David goes before the giant (our giant the enemy of unemployment) with ALL the past works of God and his assurance of God's faithfulness.
I stand with 51 years of testimonies of God's faithfulness to be expressed to the Saul's of this world. I can stand confidently before the giant.
I Smile, I Taunt
The Bible is full of these stories of God's faithfulness...Elijah before the prophet's of Baal....he taunts them with "where are your gods...have they gone to bathroom" (paraphrased). How about outrunning a chariot, or asking the Lord to open the eyes of his servant to reveal the army that stood behind them. (I know you can add and add to this list) Is there truly anything IMPOSSIBLE with God? NO!
Thanks so very much for your prayers....I can feel them, the peace that has come, I know is from the prayers being lifted on our behalf. The scriptures of encouragement will be taped to my bathroom mirror. As we continue to fight the advice of the natural world and trust..............as one e-mail reminded me...there truly isn't ANYTHING impossible with God....we stand. Even having a smile in the midst of it all is a miracle, because the natural facts look very bad without the hope of Him which lives within us. I pick up my stones and stand before the giant, in the confidence that God will bring him down.
22 Joining in with more words:
Standing with you and shouting the victory.:)
I felt some real excitement for you reading this morning. Let us stand back and see what the Lord God will do!
You are heading in the direction of the King, Janette. Keep going.
You just keep standing,'David'...
This is God's battle and when it is out of our hands, it is almost a little bit exciting to see how He pulls it off!
Pulling right with you...
All I can say is YES, YES, YES!!!!
Oh Janette you are soo right, and there are soo many standing right beside you, with our stones in hand as well. I honestly can say I am excited to see how the Lord will work this all out...because work it all out He will!
My family is seldom ALL together too. Some of us here and there is usually the best we can get...but I try hard to work it. I love that the cousins are close...how they love each other. Grandma does what she can to make that happen because it is important to me. But when Mel comes to California the whole bunch of us gather and I live for the moments...so do they. I try not to stress or dwell on how that might become less and less often as Melody's family grows, but I am afraid it will just become a fact. I will then figure something else out, haha.
Have a GOOD week-end my friend and know I am lifting you in prayer everyday.
You and I are facing similar battles with our husband's unemployment right now so I am praying for both of our families together. And when Shaun left I felt like we had done absolutely everything we could have to help him. Then one evening as I was crying out to the Lord with my open Bible in my lap I saw a lesson in my Kingdom Dynamics study. It said:"Hour after hour they wrestled in prayer; and when they had done all they could do, GOD BEGAN." I have never felt more encouraged! He works in ways we simply can't.
Love & Prayers~
So true and lovely promises to cling onto. I loved them all. I am glad you can feel God's peace through your trial. I am thankful though that we will be the victors in the end.
Here is a little poem I have been trying to memorize today.
I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chattered all the way,
But left me none the wiser.
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow;
And no'er a word said she,
But, oh the things I learned from her,
When sorrow walked with me.
Think of the trust and all of the things we have learned this far in our lives. :)
Have a lovely weekend,
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:25
God's ways always lead to life!
Be encouraged!
There is not much I can add beyond the wise words already posted. Know that I stand with these other strong prayer warriors, beseeching the throne on your behalf.
Janette, you are such an inspired writer! What a blessing to read each and every post and this was so touching and such a testimony to your faith in our amazing God. My prayers are with you my friend!
nice post thanks for sharing looking for to visit more..blessings
Janette, you don't know just how much I needed to read this post right now. Thank you for writing it...for the reminder...for speaking straight into my heart something I totally needed. :)
You are amzaing!
"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."
Provergs 31: 28
You are showing all your children what it is to be a Christian!
Loving, trusting, faith!
God is faithful Janette. He knows your heart's desires. He is close to you as you go through this challenging time. I'm praying for you.
God is faithful Janette. He knows your heart's desires. He is close to you as you go through this challenging time. I'm praying for you.
I just saw this when I realized that I had forgotten to come look when you mentioned a new post. (Forgive me... I was toweling off the my "David" from his victory run.)
Did I say AMEN?
I just read this aloud to my husband and we couldn't agree more. We felt the exact same calmness of spirit that we weren't to face this job giant the way the world (or as you said even the "cultural Christian") would expect us to.
From day one we knew that we were to listen to God only and not wear the mark of the beast called fear. We knew what the world advised and chose the better way.
I can't wait to hear your shouts of praise. I. Can't. Wait.
Taunting with you!
dear friend -- these words fit what I am experiencing to a tee!!! Thanks so very much..as you we are continuing to trust in the Lord and on his time table..
AMEN...continue to stand firm on what his word says, we will continue to pray in expectation for what God is going to do
You are absolutely right, Janette. We can smile in spite of our circumstances. God will give us the strength and blessings to see us through. And usually in ways we never imagined. Always better. Lifting your family in prayer to hang on through to the last half hour before the miraculous delivery. That is the moment the flesh becomes week. Faith pushes through and receives the prize. God bless you abundantly for your faith.
What a great, great post! The steadfastness of your faith and groundedness in the Lord is evident in every line! What encouragement for others!
"Nothing! Nothing! Absolutely Nothing. Nothing is too difficult for Thee!"
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