Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Cookies are The BOMB!

Now I am starting to feel the generational gap.  This week the sign-up email was sent out for my 5 year old's Valentine Party.  On the list was heart-shaped sugar cookies for the kids to decorate.  Well since I have been enjoying making cookies this year, I jumped on this option.  The sign up email went around and everyone filled in the blanks.  Then came the "you are older than you think" thought from an email with a tremendous compliment.
"Oh, I was not going to sign up for the cookies hoping Benjamin's mom would.
Her cookies are the BOMB!" from another mother.

I was thrilled by the compliment and sent back a thank-you to her and volunteered to make extras for the moms, that I would decorate.  The laughter was created with the word "BOMB"...now can you tell that I am in a different generation from the younger moms in my son's pre-school class?
The best gingerbread people I have ever eaten. Benjamin is making their hair. Snowman went to Ben's class.
I can not take credit for the "Bomb" cookies, all the recipes come from 350 degrees.  Her recipes are the "BOMB", her instructional videos take out all guess work and they taste wonderful.  Her gingerbread is the best I have ever eaten.  So I have been having such fun playing with my cookie cutters.

So I leave you with a Valentine Cookie and wish I could send it in the mail.  Sometimes getting a compliment from a younger generation, "BOMB," can make my day!  

May you have a cookie cutter day!


  1. LOL! YOU are the BOMB! Seriously.

    Thanks for the link. I can't wait to make some of those cookies.

  2. ummm. i've never made a cookie that looked THAT good! i would be embarassed to show you mine, but yours are amazing! you are the BOMB! ha!

  3. Awesome! How fun! The cookies look wonderful!

  4. Awesome! How fun! The cookies look wonderful!

  5. HAHA....Yes "the bomb" isn't really in my daily vocab, but your cookies DEFINITELY fit the description....I use to always sign up for sugar cookies too, but mine never looked as good as your snowmen...My kids though began talking about heart shaped sugar cookies in Jan though. How they loved them. Haven't made them in years. I'd make them for the grandkids trying "your" recipe, but I just can't trust myself to keep out, lol....Have a wonderful day Janette! Or should I say hope your day is "the bomb"!! = ) HUGS

  6. Your cookies are all so cute and look like such fun! 'the bomb'... that's a new one to me too, but how great! I'd say it's a high honor! I think your kitchen would be such a fun place to be! :)

  7. I have a friend who was born in England, so she says things sometimes I don't quite understand, like "Cor," When she is shocked at something. One day she said, something about "being the bomb." I had to get home to ask my kids was that good or bad and what did it mean.
    So I understand what you are saying. Just like my kids telling not to leave smiley faces because it means I am flirting. I am sadly becoming outdated. :) oops not flirting Janette. Have a great day and your cookies look yummy.

  8. I can see why the other moms were waiting on you, I would too! Beautiful cookies and I am sure just as delish! I love baking cookies but haven't ventured into the cutters too much :) Maybe I should start.

  9. What fun! I remember making
    cookies for my boys when they
    were little. Yours look so
    cute and yummy. I want to try
    and make some for us for V-Day.
    The only reason I know what it
    means when you say "the bomb"
    is because I have a 21 year old
    and my house is usually filled
    with young people from 17-23.
    So, yes I have heard that before!

  10. I am not a cookie maker..but I am a cookie enjoyer. They look great and you will have to teach those young ones a thing or two!

  11. Your cookies are the BOMB! They look beautiful. I bet they are tasty too.

  12. Beautiful! I'll have a few of each!

  13. I love to make cookies-I don't do cut outs very often because they don't keep their shape very well and then they all turn out looking the same to me.
    I will have to see if I can try this recipe and see how it works.
    I find that word "the bomb" hysterical and a few others that they say-it just doesn't sound like something like a mother would say-cracks me up-of course I had to get used to "fixin to" and "carrying" some one some where which really meant taking them-more of a Southern girl after 16 years of living in AR and TX but I still don't talk that way either. lol
    Those cookies look amazing-hope the party is fun and that your cookies are the "bomb" hehe-makes me laugh just saying it.
    Happy V-Day!

  14. Absolutely beautiful cookies!!! (Note to self: never bring cookies to Janette - she would laugh at what the Toliver's cookies look like.)


  16. LOL, I often forget what year it is, what generation I'm from etc. I just like "hanging" with women of all ages... sounds like you do too.

    Your cookies are so pretty. I admit, I stopped making them awhile ago. I'd be 50 pounds heavier! No one to eat them except the two of us.

    Enjoy your little guy in the kitchen!

  17. Those lips are awesome!! And those cookies are definitely the BOMB!!! Wish I could be eating one now...

  18. Makes me want to go and make cookies! Love the lips cookie cutter. How cute! Fun post!

  19. These look sooooooooo YUMMY. I will have to check out the recipe. *grin* And your cookies are soooooo pretty too!. I will be making some sugar cookies soon. That is the one request from my boys. How can a mom say no to those sweet looks on their faces. ((sigh))

    Blessings in Him<><

  20. Janette,

    LOL! I remember that phrase "The Bomb" as well. :)

    Those cookies looked all too good to eat, and since I have not had breakfast yet, that only made my mouth water more.

    I haven't made gingerbread cookies before or cookies where you actually use a cutter. I made check-out that 350 Degrees recipe link sometime.

    -Lady Rose

  21. Hi Janette -

    Thank you. I enjoyed your sweet touches here. And the photos are "delicous" indeed.

  22. Too funny ... I was just typing this comment when your comment popped into my email. We must be on the same wavelength today!

    OK, so now I'm hungry for cookies and it's only 9:07 am. Not a good way for the day to unfold.

    Be a blessed bomb,

  23. I love it!!! Your cookies ARE the bomb! :)

    Happy baking!

  24. I love iced cookies! The business we had here that does them went out of business. Maybe I should check out the link though it wouldn't be good for my weight loss plan.

    I can tell your cookies are "THE BOMB" from the pictures! If you ever need a taste tester ....

  25. OK, Janette - I was going to say that your cookies are probably RAD, or COOL, or NEAT, or maybe even PEACHY KEEN...

    But, if I had to pick the "BOMB" - it's you, hand's down.

    Jeepers Creepers, when did I get so old?

    xoxo to you!!

  26. Well, I used to be called a bombshell, but I've never been called "the bomb".

    I'm pretty sure my cooking wouldn't be either.

    I do make a mean cookie though, so maybe I should find myself a preschool class and be the older and wiser one. Hmmmm....

    And I want those sugar lips cutters. Those are too cute!

  27. Great post! Congratulations on being considered the bomb :) Guess that's a good thing!

  28. Those cookies look fabulous. I especially love the ones with Benjamin's broken leg. Perfect under the circumstances. I'm going to check that website out for the recipe.

    You are such a fun mom!

    Love you,


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