I can't believe it is already the middle of June. It has been a whirlwind around here. May ran so fast I couldn't catch my breath. I truly wonder how families do all that is required these days. I think home schooling was easier on our family. Benjamin's school schedule had us jumping.

God's faithfulness was seen again as he completed his third year in a charter school and fourth grade. This year was a challenge for him as God put on his heart to share the Gospel with a class mate. This meant he was taken into the director of the school's office. Although his school has all their school events in churches, and each program is started with prayer, a student was offended because Benjamin picked up the Bible from the holder in front of him. As the kids were waiting their turn to present their songs at the Christmas program, Benjamin shared Genesis 1:1 with a student setting beside him. As he told me later, "well where do you start when you want to share Christ? You start at the Beginning...in the beginning there was God." Without a word, he just showed the scripture. So, this year, God challenged him to step out and share. The parents were upset at this display of religion and the fact Benjamin brought a Max Lucado book to school, which was Cosmic Christmas, a fictional book. We learned as a family that our nation is different than when we were in school. He learned he still has the right of speech and to stand strong. What a young age to see that there truly is spiritual warfare. He is learning.
As he finished this year he received Academic Excellence, having received all A's in every subject for the complete year. His orchestra, of which he is the only elementary student, it is the Jr High orchestra, received Superior in their competition. He also was introduced to baseball this year, and fell in love. Our sixth child to play baseball/softball. This delighted my heart, as I was allowed to go down memory lane over all the years of our others playing ball. As God showed his faithfulness to Benjamin, He also showed His faithfulness to me...a mother who still has a home schooling heart. He also showed his faithfulness to this "older" mom, it truly is a challenged to be in a world of mom's in their 30's!!! His ways are truly greater than ours!

Benjamin followed the Lord in baptism in May also. He had committed his life to the Lord a few years ago, but hadn't followed his commitment in baptism. His father had the honor of baptizing our youngest child. Our prayer now is that God will walk with him and uphold him with His hand. It is God who works in all of us until completion.
My precious Mother-in-law
celebrated her 101st birthday the first part of June. My heart hurt this year when she couldn't see Benjamin play baseball. You see, she was the wife of a semi-pro baseball player. Even in her 90's she would drive for four hours to come see her grandson play baseball. Benjamin is the first child she hasn't seen play sports. Her and him share a very special bond. There is 91 years difference in their age, and have a very tender love for each other. Benjamin's relationship with her has given him a heart for the those who are rich in years.
May meant the twins turned 1!!! Our daughter still hits the ball out of the park with all that life swings at her. This weekend they moved...again...and are so excited about their new home. We rejoice with them on their journey of life. The other grands are all growing and the delight of my heart, as we continue "Grandmommy Adventures".
June meant 36 years of marriage for Bill and I. WOW! what an eventful journey. As we add seasoned color to our hair, we also add seasoned love to our marriage. God truly works through our relationships to show us HIM. Thank you Bill for 36 years.
In the midst of all the events God also blessed me with a desire of my heart. I wanted Benjamin to be able to go to the beach, which his siblings enjoyed multiple times in their childhood. I wanted to spend time with the Lord on the shores of the ocean. To my surprise, God provided through a company business trip. Bill worked and Benjamin and I played. I hadn't been to this beach, which we held years of memories, in 18 years. Not only did the beauty bless me, but walking down the memory lane again, reminded me of God's faithfulness.
I end with - God is faithful and I am not, yet, He continues to love me. What an awesome God we serve, I am humbled. He continues to walk with me through this "Adventure" called life.